תמונת פרופיל

Yogev Abutbul

Artist | NFT
NFT Gallery


I am an artist who paints with different technique such as water color, Acrylic, digital art, and oil paints.


I have always liked colors even though I am partly color blinded but I was lucky enough to discover an old technique named Egg Tempera. The technique is very complex, it requires from me to know the anatomy of the object I paint, then I glaze the painting with an incredible scale and variety of colors.


I swim between fantasy and reality. I have always liked the contrast between the real and the unreal. The world of pain and hope.


My other way of expression besides the world of realism is the variety of Abstract elements. The color spectrum I use evokes from combined colors I make, And the creation of an atmosphere of various moods.


At the same time I work as an architect in a leading architectural firm in Tel Aviv. and I teach architecture students a variety of professions.


Owner of NFT Gallery – Digital_brush_strokes.



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